2007년 1월 첫째주 GMP News 총정리
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<1일: 월>
More than 2000 international students are enrolled at the University of Virginia and up staying on campus because they are unable to travle home due to the high cost of airfare.
<2일: 화>
In a written statement from his Texas ranch Mr. Bush said bringing the former dictator to justice will not end the violence in Iraq but he called it an important milestone.
<3일: 수>
Obesity became a global issue. On the other hand, not eating enough appeared to be the latest trend among fashion model.
<4일: 목>
According to a recent United Nation's report only three of the world's top 100 websites are free of impediments to those with mental and physical handicaps.
<5일: 금>
Emergency workers have pulled more than 200 survivors from the Java sea. But 100 more are still missing. Some 100 bodies have been recovered.
<6일: 토>
The casket containing the body of President Ford arrived in Grand Rapids amid a formal military ceremory and was then transported in a 75 car motorcade through the city.