2007년 1월 둘째주 GMP News 총정리
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<8일: 월>
It began as a promise Oprah Winfrey made to former South African President Nelson Mandela seven years ago. A pledge to build a school that would give poor girls a first class education.
<9일: 화>
Some Beijing dog owners have taken their pets into hiding. The crackdown on large and unregistered dogs has many loving owners keeping their pets indoors.
<10일: 수>
The number of public schools offering single-sex education has surged from three in 1995 to at least 240 today. But the idea of separating, some say segregating, boys and girls in public schools is controversial.
<11일: 목>
While many people happily rang in the New Year with a glass of champagne, alcohol is more often associated with sadness. Many studies show a link between alcohol and depression.
<12일: 금>
Scientists say over the last few decades, warmer weather has been messing with Mother Nature's calendar. Plants in Washington D.C. are flowering four days earlier than they did 30 years ago.
<13일: 토>
The embryos in the bank will not be used for research.
Instead, they'll be available to infertile couples who wish to have a child.